Flere Utøya dramaer.. 💔

For et par måneder siden var snuppen min og jeg på en champagnefest. En gang i løpet av kvelden ble det snakk om kino og nye filmer. Vertinnen fortalte så at hun hadde hørt at filmen om Utøya skulle komme snart på kino, og hun undret om noen hadde tenkt å se den. Hun nevnte også at filmen skulle hete «Utøya 22. juli». Det var da jeg svarte at det var sikkert bare en midlertidig tittel og at det blir enda en GOD stund til filmen kommer på kino.

Vertinnen sto på sitt og sa at hun hadde hørt fra sikre kilder at filmen skulle settes opp snart.

I dag leste jeg i et blogginnlegg hos en for meg ukjent blogger, Bitte-Louise, at det nå har vært premiere på filmen «Utøya 22. Juli». Selve hovedpremieren var på filmfestivalen i Berlin i Tyskland. Og jeg tenker at det er forsovet greit. For mange er det for tidlig å rippe opp i den delen av Norsk historie. Ofrene som overlevde på Utøya er jo enda i livet, og enda unge.

Link: Bitte-Louise

Anyway, det jeg skjønte i dag var at det altså er flere filmer om Utøya. Denne som blogger Bitte-Louise og vertinnen på champagnefesten er den samme, den heter «Utøya 22. juli» og er en film av Erik Poppe.

(Erik Poppe)

Link: Anmeldelser «Utøya 22. juli»

Beklager min uvitenhet, men dette er det første jeg hører om denne filmen, og nå har den altså hatt premiere.

Så da kommer det altså flere filmer om Utøya. Det var derfor jeg argumenterte med vertinnen på champagnefesten. For jeg hadde vært to dager i Oslo under innspillingen av en annen film om Utøya av regissør Paul Greengrass (Jason Bourne, Captain Phillips). Den skal visstnok hete «Norway» og selve innspillingen er nettopp ferdig.

(Paul Greengrass)

Så da er det altså slik at det blir flere Utøyafilmer. I hvertfall to som jeg vet om. Så da er det å forberede seg til mye Utøya-drama fremover. Vi blir nok meget preget av dette – som vi alle her i Norge har vært hele tiden etter de grusomme hendelsene.

Mine tanker går til de som overlevde, deres familie og venner, og familie og venner av de som omkom ❤

Følg Bunny Trash på Facebook: Link!!

#utøya #utøya22juli #22juli #film #erikpoppe #poppe #paulgreengrass #greengrass #statist #smårolle #oslo #norway #norge

2 kommentarer
    1. A movie with an political motive in the background
      Manufacturers will limit the attention of the Utøya film. This means that there will be no TV marketing, there will be visible billboards in the cinnema, but not on the subway or shopping center. For the sake of those who are most affected by the tragedy.
      The reactions to the film have varied between standing applause and condemnation.
      Survivor of ?Utøya July 22?: ? The film does not manage to reflect brutality. The massacre of 69 people during the AUF summer camp in 2011. In advance, the movie as a whole is only shown to relatives and survivors. Utøya film raises debate among reviewers.
      Poppe made Utøya film to remind you of how right-wing extremism can look like.
      Utøya film met with buing in Berlin.
      Guy Lodge in the American film magazine Variety asks what the movie really leaves behind the viewers.
      There are many questions you can ask about this movie. Is the film politically motivated? Is the film designed to create sympathy for survivors, to a further political extent ? that it was the Labor Party?s youth organization that was hit?
      I am of the opinion that the film is made with a political motive in the background. That the survivors will have sympathy for what they have experienced ? matter of course ? at least for those who have compassion / empathy for the life of others.
      But it is also problematic that so many Labor Party politicians themselves have exhibited so little compassion for the suffering of others. Especially when it comes to children and adolescents who have experienced violence and abuse while under the supervision of the public (CPS). For what the politicians are responsible.
      And then on questions about what politicians will do for these children and young people. So they have answered that ?they will not take any initiative for the children and the youth?. And it is Labor politicians who have answer this.
      This is true children and adolescents have lived for many years in a ?terror?-hell, with physical and mental violence under the care of the public sector (CPS). They have experienced many times more than what the survivers of Utøya terror experienced.
      Therefore, this is a film with bitter taste ? and really little worth seeing. Untill others who have had to experience a hell in Norway, get their rightful recognition and redress.
      I lost a close political friend, and a friend of the family on Utøya. And I have all the understanding and respect for the survivors. But not for the film. Maybe if there was created a film about how politicians and Norwegian society have also contributed to violence and abuse against children and adolescents under the supervision of the public sector (CPS). Then I maybe vill have more understanding for this film to. Becouse the other children and adolescents also deserves the same kind of knowledge and compassion. Not to mention a redress and recognition of what they have had to live through, for many years.
      And many children and young people still live in a ?terror?-hell in Norway, approved by politicians and state. What about them?
      But to say what I’m saying here, I risk being lynched. Therefore, I have to take care of my own safety. Otherwise, there will be reprisals against me and the closest around me.

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